Saturday, May 23, 2020

Being Positive

The very difficult part of life is to stay positive but when you have taken even one step towards it, you will find it easy and start practicing it in your life.

Being optimistic helps us to avoid health problems. For example: When you have any problem in your life, you will start thinking of it to solve. Right? But sometimes what happens, we start thinking of the negative side and it goes so long that it becomes impossible to come back. This is the first stage to start depressing yourself. Tension and depression is something our youth is facing right now. This is only because of some external pressure, maybe it of their parent's expectations, their own expectations, work tensions.

But the truth is that most researchers have proved that you perform better under pressure.
Taking pressure as sources of motivation to do something is positiveness.
Many of us know the process of how a diamond is formed? If you don't. It is a solid form of carbon and under high pressure and temperature, it is converted to diamond (the most beautiful crystal).

Positive thinking means approaching life with a positive outlook.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look change.

The world is of endless possibilities, if you miss one opportunity next will came soon. Try grabbing it. If you feel sad for the old one, you will keep doing that only.
Being positive empowers you and makes you feel stronger and more confident.
Henry Ford said if you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

True is the fact that what you believe, you create.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Blame Game in Modern LOVE

I have listened to many people saying that there is always a Woman or a Girl who HURTS the Boy in a Relationship. There is only the girl who is responsible for Cheating, Breakup, and Heartbreak.

 How many of you think that way?  
I know it is a never-ending ritual of blaming women for everything. There's no one who understands what happens in a girl's life. I am not offending males anyways. But how a young child thinks to enjoy their life by doing everything they want out of life. There is no such freedom to a girl. Whatever she's going to do first she has to take Consent of Family first. If anyhow she convinces her family,  there come SOCIETY.  

Does a major question family ask what will society think? What respect your father gained all his life? What about that?  When people will question him? 
That just kills all the dreams. This is a kind of question that is so emotional. Every girl wants to answer this but somehow stops.

 I advise all the parents to understand that this is the life of their child not of society. So let her do whatever she wants. Support her. Give her wings to fly.
 And to all the boys, there are complications in everybody's life irrespective of their gender. We all need to understand to respect each other's decision not to take anybody's rejection on the heart. Maybe they are suffering from some trouble. Every girl wants to enjoy life as a boy wants. If you are ina relationship with someone, Support each other. There I only you who can handle your lady. There is only you who can handle your man. I know it hurts when people come and go but this is a hard reality of life. 

 How can you think bad about someone whom you loved once? 

 Ya, this is for boys as well as girls.

 There's no such thing as cheating, the circumstances let us do many wrong things. This is a  harsh reality but a part of life. 

Valid in relationships and every other situation in life. Go with the flow.

 Enjoy today so that you can laugh with the memories.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Understanding SELF

In this world of ongoing Rat Race, we all are busy in chasing our goals, building social status that we are slowly forgetting ourselves as we are trying to build everything that our society wants from us and then building a false self
We feel the urge to find ourselves.

When a child is born, the family brought him up and then sends him to school, college for education. After completing studies, Job is the next thing to do and the struggle goes on and on.
Most people don’t understand the Purpose of Education.  What do you think about the purpose of education? Education is necessary for a person to grow, to know the real world and the important purpose is to find yourself.  Do you know why it's important to find yourself?

Struggle, Pain, and Pleasure are all a part of life. This is a non-stop process and this will continue until we die. Actually, life has happened to many but only some people get to know the ultimate goal of life that is #WHO_AM_I? The day you will start questioning yourself, you will come one step closer to satisfaction, self-control, supreme freedom. 

Linking to the question who am I? You can ask yourself a few more questions like:

  1. What’s my purpose? 
  2. What means to me the most? Make a list of that. 
  3. Am I doing what I want? If no, why not? See what’s stopping you? 
  4. What you are going to do today that was different from yesterday, which will ultimately shape who you are tomorrow? 
  5. What’s at least one thing that you can change about your life habits right now, which will prevent a lifetime of pain and generate a never-ending supply of pleasure?

The more clarity you have about what you want, the more you are willing to work for it. 
Acknowledge yourself with self-education
 See we can’t run and we can’t hide from ourselves, because everywhere we go, we are there.
Evaluate yourself daily.

You are like an Instrument. Explore the possibilities of this Instrument.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Best Utilization of Ample Free Time

Whenever we get free time we usually Relax and have fun and spend our day with our Loved ones but this we can do for some time.
As we all know during this Lockdown we have got a big block of free time and I personally suggest you Allocate your Time to Shine.

 So here is the Treasure 

1 Meditation
Get up early. I assure you that you don't need a yoga mat for this. You can do this on your desk also. Just close your eyes and feel your breathing process for 10 minutes at least. This will be so mind refreshing that your whole day will go just with the flow.

2 Makeover your Bedroom
Cleaning is a different thing but making it over means making it look beautiful that whenever you go to your room you just feel the good vibes. We never like to work in a messy place and usually get bored up by not liking the surroundings around us. So if you want to do something creative then the first step is to feel creative.
3 Painting
This is something I personally suggest you to do. Do only painters do painting? NO, Painter is the one who draws his imagination with all his heart. So, you can also be an artist. You are just one step away from doing that. Create self Belief and start doing it.
4 Exercise
Doing exercise is very important to be in shape of your own desire. This is a part of what we want to look. Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do.

CYCLING is something that keeps you fit and also lets you see the world in a different and more attractive way. 

 Take care of your body, its the only place where you have to live.
Now here comes my favorite. Best of all.
5 Book Reading
Books are like Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain. Reading books gives you ideas and enhance your ability to think out of the box. Read Stories, Biographies, Fiction, Historical moments, places. Something that boosts up your mind. It creates a sense of Patience in our minds. It is the way to exercise your mind. Watch documentaries.

6 Learn a new language
There are 6,500 languages in the world and we people don't even know 2 languages properly. This is the right path we should work on. India is a land of UNITY IN DIVERSITY. So, we should also learn various languages, rituals, cultures. Do online courses.
Here come the leading activity almost everybody likes and enjoy doing
7 Dancing
Everybody goes crazy when the music hits the dance floor. Doing dance is not only a part of exercising but also amplifies your all body organs. Refresh your body and stimulates all your sense organs. Brings you more energy to do work. There are 16 dance forms in India. So, if you enjoy doing it, you should learn more dance forms.

8 Clear out Inbox
This is quite funny but if you are very much free that you have nothing to do. Then go and clear all your old messages, photographs, videos which you don't need. Your phone will breathe easy.
9 Planting
Getting into this is a vital part of life. Plant more and more trees and plants and advice people to do so. Caring for the Environment is beneficial for you and the environment too.
This will also help you gain knowledge in the agriculture field.
The major time passing activity is here.
10 Playing Games
Indoor, as well as Outdoor both, are beneficial for health. Playing indoor games like Chess, Ludo, Sudoku enhances your brain activity and makes it sharp and on the other hand outdoor games like Badminton, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Cricket helps you activate your body and helps in the growth of your body.

11 To-Do list
We generally have lots of small works in our daily routine some of which we do and some of which we forget. So, whatever you plan for your day or future, you just write it down. Whatever it is small or big. work or dream. 
The more clarity you have about what you want; the more you are willing to work for it. With this writing becomes your habit which is also an art.
Time is our most precious commodity. If you are not using it Wisely, you're wasting it Ignorantly.

U can now read this:

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Earth is HEALING on its OWN

यह लेख सभी के लिए हिंदी और अंग्रेजी भाषा में उपलब्ध है।  हिंदी के लिए नियमित रूप से प्रशिक्षण करे और अंग्रेजी  के लिए नीचे जाये।


मैंने कई लोगों को अपने सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म पर पोस्ट करते देखा है कि "लॉकडाउन ने धरती को हीलिंग  यानि ठीक होने में मदद की"

आप में से कितने लोग ऐसा सोचते हैं?

 आपमें से कितने लोग अपने भीतर की सच्चाई को छिपा रहे हैं?

 लॉकडाउन से पहले किसी ने भी यह नहीं देखा कि हमारी  माँ  धरती  और प्रकृति ने उसके फेफड़ों के ऊपर चिल्लाते हुए हमें बताया था कि वह पीड़ित थी। प्रदूषण स्तर को नियंत्रित करने के लिए किसी ने अपने स्तर पर कुछ करने की कोशिश नहीं की। 

समस्या यह है कि हम खुद महसूस करते हैं कि हम जो कुछ भी कर रहे हैं वह सिर्फ सागर में एक बूंद है लेकिन वास्तविकता यह है कि समुद्र उस बूंद के बिना वही  महासागर नहीं होगा।

 उस चिकित्सा की वास्तविकता यह है कि हम मनुष्यों ने खुद के लिए एक गड़बड़ी पैदा की थी जैसे कि हमने बिल्डिंग, कारखानों और कई और अधिक चीजें  बनाने के लिए वन काट दिया है। औद्योगिक अपशिष्ट पदार्थ आमतौर पर नदियों में चला जाता है। कोई उचित अपघटन नहीं था। कारखानों से गैसों का उत्सर्जन ओजोन परत की कमी के लिए जिम्मेदार था।

 इसी तरह और भी कई तथ्य हैं जिन्हें गिना जा सकता है।

पृथ्वी हील कर रहा है क्योंकि पर्यावरण में विनाश का कारण अपने  घरों में बंद हो गया हैं । हां, पृथ्वी हील कर रहा  है क्योंकि हम खतरनाक इंसान घर पर हैं और बाहर जाकर प्रकृति को प्रभावित करने में असमर्थ हैं।

 मुझे पता है कि हर कोई सच्चाई जानता है और मुझे आशा है कि आप सभी इसे जोर से कहेंगे कि "मैंने अपनी धरती को ख़राब  यानि प्रदूषण  बढ़ाने  मे योगदान दिया हैं और मे ये कभी नहीं दोहराऊंगा "। खरीदारी करते समय हमेशा अपने साथ CLOTH BAG यानि कपडे से बने लिफाफों  को ले जाने जैसे कुछ प्रयास,

डस्टबिन के अलावा कहीं और खाने के पैकेट नहीं फेंकना, कचरे को नदियों में नहीं डालना, पेड़  लगाना। 

 दिवाली पर पटाखे का उपयोग नहीं करना और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि खुद इन  बातो को अपनाये और फिर दुसरो को रोको और समझाओ।

इस तरह से हम अपनी पृथ्वी की मदद करने में मदद कर सकते हैं ठीक होने मे।

 याद रखें हम अपने आप को मदद कर रहे हैं, किसी और की  नहीं।


I have seen many people posting on their social media platforms that "Lockdown helped Earth in Healing ".

How many of you think this? How many of you are hiding the truth within you? Before Lockdown Nobody took notice that Mother Nature was Screaming on top of her Lungs telling us that she was Suffocated. Nobody tried to do something at their own level to control the pollution level. the problem is we ourselves feel that whatever we are doing is just a drop in the ocean but the reality is the ocean wouldn't be the same ocean without that drop. 

 The reality of that healing is we humans had created a blunder for own selves like we have cut Forest to build  Building, Factories, and many more. Industrial waste material usually went into Rivers. No proper decomposition was there. The emission of gases from the factories was responsible for the depletion of the Ozone Layer.
 Likewise, there are many more facts that can be counted. 
Earth is healing because the cause of Destruction in the Environment is being locked in their houses. Yes, Earth is healing because we Hazardous Humans are at home and are unable to go outside and affect nature. 

 I know everyone knows the truth and I hope you all will say it loudly that "I HAVE CONTRIBUTED IN THE DESTRUCTION OF MY EARTH AND I WILL NEVER REPEAT IT AGAIN ".

Some efforts like always carrying a CLOTH BAG with you while doing shopping, Not throwing packets of eatables  anywhere other than Dustbins, Not putting wastes into rivers, Plant trees,

  Not using crackers on Diwali and the most important thing is to follow this at your own and second duty is to Stop people who are doing this
This is how we can help our Earth to CONTINUE ITS HEALING and

Monday, May 4, 2020


यह लेख सभी के लिए हिंदी और अंग्रेजी भाषा में उपलब्ध है। 
 हिंदी के लिए नियमित रूप से प्रशिक्षण करे और अंग्रेजी  के लिए नीचे जाये।


 उम्र से हम उन उद्धरणों का अध्ययन कर रहे हैं जिनमें एक सिक्के के दो पहलू हैं। इसी तरह किसी भी स्थिति को दो अलग-अलग संभावनाओं से देखा जा सकता है। आज मैंने इन पंक्तियों को महसूस किया। 

जैसा कि भारत और दुनिया एक गंभीर महामारी यानी कोरोना वाइरस से पीड़ित हैं। 

जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि जीवन  बिना मृत्यु , उड़ान  बिना  गिरे , ख़ुशी बिना दुख की कल्पना करना असंभव है। उसी तरह COVID-19 के अपने अच्छे और बुरे प्रभाव हैं। इसने दुनिया की आबादी को एक बड़ी संख्या में मारा है और रोजगार प्राप्त लोगों को बेरोजगार  महसूस कराया है।

 जिस तरह से हम एक जगह से दूसरी जगह नहीं जा सकते और लोगों से मिलने से हमारे दिलों में दुःख और दर्द की भावना पैदा हुई है। इससे पहले हर कोई अपने जीवन की दौड़ में इतना व्यस्त था कि उन्हें अपने प्रियजनों से बात करने का समय नहीं मिल रहा था। अब सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि हमें अपने परिवार  को जानने का पर्याप्त समय मिल गया है। हमें आत्मनिरीक्षण के लिए खुद को जानने का समय मिला है, और हमें और हमारी खुद की कला की खोज करने के लिए । इसके अलावा भारत को प्रदूषण मुक्त देखने की इच्छा भी पूरी हो चुकी है। 

अब हम स्पष्ट पर्वत, मुस्कुराते हुए पर्यावरण देख सकते हैं और चहकती पक्षियों को भी सुन सकते हैं। हालांकि कुछ ऐसे भी हैं जो अपने घर वापस नहीं आ पा रहे हैं, लॉकडाउन के कारण अपने परिवार से नहीं मिल रहे  और दूसरी तरफ कुछ ऐसे हैं जो अपने परिवारों को पीछे छोड़ते हुए अस्पतालों और सड़कों पर ड्यूटी पर मेहनत कर रहे हैं। 

संघर्ष दोनों तरीकों से वास्तविक है। 

लोगों को इस वायरस से लड़ते हुए देखना उनको एक साथ खड़े हों कर लड़ते देखना  वास्तव में सराहनीय है। एकता के साथ हम एक हैं। 

अंत  मे  जब एक दरवाजा बंद हो जाता है; एक और खुलता है लेकिन अक्सर हम इतने लंबे और अफसोस के साथ बंद दरवाजे पर देखते हैं कि हम ध्यान  नहीं करते हैं  उस दरवाजे  पर जो हमारे लिए खोला गया है।


From ages, we are studying quotes that a Coin has Two sides. Likewise, any situation can be seen from two different prospectives. Today I felt these lines.

India and the world are suffering from a Severe Pandemic i.e. CORONA VIRUS. As we all know it is impossible to imagine Life without Death, Rise without Fall, Pleasure without Pain. The same way COVID-19 has its own ebb and flow. It has hit the world's population is a great number and have made employed people feel unemployed. The way we can't move from one place to another and meet people has created a sense of Sorrow and Pain in our hearts. Before this everybody was so busy in their life race that they were not having time to talk to their Loved Ones. Now the best thing is we got enough time to know our Near and Dears. We have got time to know Thyself, for Self Introspection, and many more like exploring us and our own art that is within us. Moreover, the desire to see India pollution free has been full filled too.

Now we can see the Clear Mountains, Smiling Environment, and can listen to Chirping Birds as well. Although there are some who are not able to come back to their own home, meet their family due to Lockdown, and on the other hand some are those who are working hard on duty in the hospitals and streets leaving their families behind. The struggle is real in both ways. Seeing people fighting against this virus seeing them Stand Together but not by Standing Together is really Commendable. With Unity, We are One. Last but not least is when one door closes; another opens but often we look so long and regretfully upon the closed door that we do' not see the one which has opened for us.